Tuesday, October 28, 2014

How to set a repository as Global Registry

To enable a repository as a global registry after configuration, you must activate the 
dm_bof_registry user. 
To enable a repository as a global registry: 
1. Access Documentum Administrator in a browser and connect to the repository. 
2. Click Administration- User Management- Users. 
3. Locate the user named dm_bof_registry and click the Information icon. 
4. Verify that the user name attribute is set to dm_bof_registry. 
The value dm_bof_registry is required. 
5. Optionally, change the user login name to a new value. 
6. Change the user¿s password. 
7. Set the dm_bof_registry user¿s status to Active. 
8. Click Ok to save the user. 
9. During DFC installation on client machines, such as the Webtop or Documentum Administrator hosts, provide the user login name and password. 
This updates the dfc.properties file and enables that DFC installation to contact 
the global registry as required. 
10. To manually modify the dfc.properties file to designate a global registry repository 
and user credentials: 
a. On the DFC host, navigate to $DOCUMENTUM/config (UNIX or Linux) or 
%DOCUMENTUM%\config (Windows). 
b. From a command prompt, execute the following command to generate the 
encrypted form of the global registry user¿s password: 
java -cp dfc.jar com.documentum.fc.tools.RegistryPasswordUtils 
where password_of_user is the global registry user¿s clear-text password. In 
step d below, you will need to enter the encrypted form of this password in 
the dfc.properties file. 
c. Open the dfc.properties file in a text editor. 
d. Modify the following attributes: 
where encryped_password_of_user is the encrypted password you generated in 
step b above. 
e. Save the dfc.properties file.