I’m not able to gain access to the QD Dashboard Report, located under Analysis Reports tabs, as shown below?
The following comment appears on a separate window: “The item '/ARMInstance1/CustomReports/QD' cannot be found. (rsItemNotFound)”
I’m not able to gain access to the QD Dashboard Report, located under Analysis Reports tabs, as shown below?
The following comment appears on a separate window: “The item '/ARMInstance1/CustomReports/QD' cannot be found. (rsItemNotFound)”
Solution :
This is a know issue when there are spaces in the name
for the report creating some problems with the URLs. As a work around each report needs to have a
description added or the spaces removed from the title. It may be a good idea to do both, the
description will be displayed to the end user not the title. You can do this under the manage menu option
for the report in /reports (hover over the report name for the menu to pop up).
Once this has been done you'll need to remove the report
from the quick launch menu group in ARM, save, and the add the report back into
the group again.