Saturday, June 8, 2013

Remove FAST objects & data after installing xPlore

1. Log on to the FAST index agent host as the user who installed the FAST index agent.
2. Stop the FAST index agent using Documentum administrator or stop the index agent process.
3. Start the FAST Index Agent Configuration Program located in $DOCUMENTUM_SHARED/
IndexAgents (UNIX/Linux) to delete the agent.

(2) You can delete them if you don't plan to test revert to FAST.

(3) dm_fulltext_index object. Using iAPI, retrieve the dm_ftengine_config object. For example:
API>?,c,select r_object_id,object_name from dm_ftengine_config
r_object_id object_name
080019c880000d17 FAST Fulltext Engine Configuration
API>?,c,delete dm_ftengine_config object where r_object_id = ’080019c880000d17’

You can also delete the following objects:
(4) Unregister the FAST queue user for full-text events. The first iAPI command returns two
queue_user objects. The xPlore user has a port number in the object name, the FAST user does
not. The user is also identified in indexagent.xml in the index agent JBoss instance. The user
name must be within single quotes:
API>?,c,select object_name, queue_user from dm_ftindex_agent_config
API>execsql,c,delete dmi_registry_s where user_name=queue_user

(5) Delete the FAST queue user (dm_fulltext_index_user). Specify the FAST queue_user returned in
the previous step. The user name must be within single quotes:
API>?,c,delete dm_user object where object_name = 'XXX'

(6) Delete the FAST fulltext location object. First get the object ID, for example:
?,c,select r_object_id from dm_location where object_name=’fast’
Delete the object:
API> destroy,c,3a00031580000154

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