Monday, July 24, 2017

JBOSS 6.3 error on Webtop 6.8 deploy: java.lang.SecurityException: Toolkit not encapsulated by a jar

After deploying Webtop 6.8 in JBoss 6.3 the services are available, but any request from Java clients fail with authentication errors that include this issue in the stack:

Caused by: java.lang.SecurityException: Toolkit not encapsulated by a jar.
    at com.rsa.jcm.f.hz.a(Unknown Source) [jcmFIPS.jar:6.1]
    at com.rsa.jcm.f.js.b(Unknown Source) [jcmFIPS.jar:6.1]
    at com.rsa.crypto.jcm.ModuleLoader.a(Unknown Source) [jcmFIPS.jar:6.1]
    at com.rsa.crypto.jcm.ModuleLoader.load(Unknown Source) [jcmFIPS.jar:6.1]

This issue happens only with deployments in JBoss-eap 6.3 when Webtop 6.8 is deployed as an ear file.

1.     Delete the existing deployment of Webtop from JBoss, if any.
2.     Stop JBoss
3.     Change the webtop.war file extension to .zip
4.     Unzip the content in a folder with name "webtop.war" and place it in the JBoss deployment folder.
5.     Create an empty file "webtop.war.dodeploy" in same location.
6.     Start JBoss
7.     JBoss will deploy Webtop 6.8 and then change "webtop.war.dodeploy" file to "webtop.war.deployed". Once this happens, the deployment is complete.
8.     At this point, the error will not happen again.

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    I are facing the same error when I deploy my Java application in Jboss 6.4 EAP and the workaround you suggested worked for me. Can you please tell if there is any permanent solution for this error so that we don't need to do these adjustments in Jboss server?
    Looking forward to hear from you.

