Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Documentum Quick Reference-1

 Workflow - dm_process
            A manual activity is performed by a person or multiple people. An automatic activity is performed by a script or program. A workflow is an automatic process that assigns specific tasks to specific users, in sequence, in order to carry out organizational procedures.
            Participants in a workflow have the option to mark themselves as unavailable for workflow tasks. When the workflow runs, if the user selected as the performer is unavailable, the workflow engine attempts to give the work item to the user’s delegated user
            To start a workflow, you choose the workflow template that specifies the sequence of tasks you want performed. The users in a workflow are called the workflow’s performers.
2) Lifecycle - dm_policy
            A document lifecycle is a sequence of states a file goes through between its creation and expiration.
3) About Repository
            A repository is a virtual storehouse for the content you work on and share with other employees. In addition to content, a repository also stores other items, such as workflows (the automated sequences for routing files), permission sets, and user profiles. Object in the Repository is Stored in the Object type dm_document. The content in a repository is managed by the Documentum Content Server.
4) A Permission set determines who can access a particular item in a repository. Each item in the repository has an associated permission set, determining who can access the item and what actions each user with access can perform.
5) Seven Access Level in the Permission Sets are
None: No access to the item.
Browse: Users can view the item’s properties (but not its content).
Read: Users can view the item’s content.
Relate: Users can annotate the item.
Version: Users can modify and check in new versions of the item.
Write: Users can modify and check in the item as the same version.
Delete: Users can delete items.
6) A rendition is an alternate copy of a file or an additional file that can be included with an object.
7) Object Types
ACS Config
LDAP Configuration
8) A transformation is the automated rendering of a file from one look or format to another. Transformations let you automatically transform the look and format of an existing file in order to create a new rendition for the object or a new object that is related to the original object. Transformation functionality is available only on repositories that are configured with Media Transformation Services, Document Transformation Services, or both.
9) Replicas allow users of different repositories to share documents over great distances.
10) A form is an XML-based file that provides fields for you to enter and retrieve data.
11) Collaborative Services support and improve the way groups work together around content (documents, rich media assets, etc.) and processes (lifecycles, workflows).
12) Three States of the Workflow
13) Three Stages in LifeCycle
WIP(Work in Progress)
14) To assign a lifecycle to an object, you must have at least Write permission on the object.
15) Access Levels for the Users (Basic)
Access level
What it allows
No access is permitted to the item.
Users can view the item’s properties but not the item’s content.
Users can view both the properties and content of the item.
Users can do the above plus they can add annotations to the item.
Users can do the above plus they can modify the item’s content and they can check in a new version of the item (with a new version number). Users cannot overwrite an existing version or edit the item’s properties.
Users can do the above plus they can edit item properties and check in the item as the same version.
Users can do all the above, and they can delete items.
16) Access Levels for the Users (Extended)
Extended permission
What it allows
Execute Procedure
Super users can change the owner of an item and can use Execute Procedure to run external procedures on certain item types.
Change Location
Users with Change Location permissions can move an item in the repository.
Change State
Users with Change State permissions can change the state of an item that has a lifecycle applied to it.
Change Permission
Users with Change Permissions can modify the basic permissions of an item.
Change Ownership
Users with Change Ownership permissions can change the owner of the item.
Delete Object
Users with the Delete Object extended permission have the right only to delete the object.
17) The Content Server adds these default aliases to a permission set:
dm_owner: Represents the owner of the permission set.
dm_world: Represents all repository users.
18) You must have sysadmin or superuser privileges to create users.
19) A global user is a repository user who is found in all members of a repository federation and whose attribute values are the same in all of the repositories. Global users are managed through the governing repository.
20) A role is a type of group that contains a set of users or other groups that are assigned a particular role within a client application domain.
21) Work queues hold tasks that are to be performed by available users who are assigned to the queue.
22) Web Publisher is a browser-based application that simplifies and automates the creation of content for web sites.
23) Digital Asset Manager (DAM) is a WebTop-based application that provides powerful media management capabilities such as on-demand file transformation, thumbnail viewing, and storyboard support. It extends Documentum’s powerful content management functionality to rich media, enabling content management capabilities for images, audio, and video.
24) Documentum Client for Outlook (DCO) is a WebTop-based application that provides end users with the ability to drag and drop electronic mail and attachments from Microsoft Outlook into a Documentum repository.
25) Documentum Compliance Manager (DCM) integrates with WebTop to help manage large volumes of documents that must comply with regulatory and quality standards.
26) Connection brokers, formerly called Docbroker, provide repository connection information to client applications.
27) The default connection broker port is 1489.
28) Documentum Site Caching Services (SCS) publishes documents from a Documentum repository directly to a web site.
29) dm_document - dm document is a subtype of dm_sysobject
30) I_chronicle_id - i_chronicle_id field specify parent of the whole tree.
31) what is the difference between workflow and lifecycle?
            Lifecycle is just set of states which a document has to pass through in a Documentum system
            Workflow is the actual business process which is applied on an object in a certain state
32) Dm_method - dm_method is a type where you mention which type of method to be run -Java, Dmbasic Documentum jobs call these dm_method objects to execute their process. Dm_method is where you define what a job should do
33) Will i_chronicle_id change when the document passes through lifecycle?
            It does not change during life cycle
34) How will you deploy a workflow process?
            Workflow is not deployed, but attached to a lifecycle state
35) What are the Attributes of the ACL object?
object_name: The name of the ACL. This must be unique for all ALCs with the same owner_name.
owner_name: The owner of the ACL. System ACLs are owned by the docbase owner, while User ACLs are owned by normal docbase users.
r_accessor_name: A repeating attribute that lists all of the users and groups that have access.
r_accessor_permit: A repeating attribute that lists the level of access for each user and group defined in the accessor_name attribute.
r_accessor_xpermit: A repeating attribute that specifies the extended permissions for each user and group defined in the accessor_name attribute. Extended permissions are only available in Documentum 4i and later servers.
36) Can you create a relation between objects in different docbases?
            No, you can’t create relationships to objects in another docbase using dm_relations. There is another relationship type called dm_reference that can relate objects in different docbases. However dm_reference is not intended to be used for creating user-defined relationships, but is used for system-defined relationships like links to remote objects and virtual documents with remote children.
37) Alias sets are lists of alias names paired with the values they will resolve to.
38) Alias set can be created using DAB
39) Can I have a mix of real users and aliases as accessors in my ACL template?
No, you can’t. All accessor names are converted to alias names when an ACL template is saved.
40) What happens if I delete a document with a relation to another doc? Does the relation get deleted then or via dmclean?
            The server will destroy the relationship object (dm_relation) immediately if either the parent or child is deleted. Dm_relation is a persistent type so it does not descend from dm_sysobject and therefore has no i_is_deleted flag. A dm_relation_type object will not be deleted when the last dm_relation referencing it is deleted.
41) A method is an object in the docbase that lets you launch a program on the server without being logged into the server. There are two main reasons to use server-side methods: to allow normal users to execute a command that only a superuser can execute, and to off load processor-intensive tasks from the client to the server.The best way to create a method is using a script or procedure.
42) Transactional Content Management (TCM) is an overall term for describing the management of content received or generated as part of a process.
43) EMC Documentum TaskSpace provides a user interface optimized for task processing and document retrieval, delivers an end to end solution for managing high volume TCM applications. TaskSpace also provides the ability to configure, design, and layout user interfaces in addition to core content management functionality.
44) TaskSpace:
Provides a streamlined, scalable user interface built for task processing and document retrieval.
Offers integrated document viewing with annotations.
Enables the management of work queues.
Works in conjunction with Forms Builder to allow application designers to quickly and easily create tailored applications.
Serves as an alternative to Webtop for process oriented applications.
45) Forms Builder is an interactive tool used to create and modify form based templates and store them in a repository. Forms Builder enables users to design user interface templates for searching, viewing documents and folders, process initiation, task lists, and tasks as well as basic forms within the Documentum Process Suite and functions as the layout tool for TaskSpace.
46) Process Builder allows for the creation of process templates. A process template captures the definition of a business process, enabling users to repeatedly perform the process.
47) EMC Documentum Composer provides a development platform for assembling, configuring, and deploying EMC Documentum applications.
48) Four Layers in Documentum
Content Service Layer – Core services and Extended Services
Component and Development Layer – DFC, BOF, WDK, Portlets, Standard Based API
Application Layer – Web-based, Desktop, Portal and Enterprise Applications.
49) Business Object Framework(BOF) is a structured environment for developing content Applications
50) Users Basic privileges are not Hierarchical
Create Type
Create Cabinet
Create Group
51) A DocApp is a package of Repository Objects and itself a Repository Object.
52) A Workflow template consists of activities linked together via flows.
53) A Flow describes the movement of information from one activity to another.
54) The global registry is a central repository that serves several purposes:
Deploys service-based business objects (SBOs)
Stores network location objects
Stores application presets, unless another repository is configured in app.xml
Stores persistent user preferences, unless another repository is configured in app.xml
55) Application Connectors provide users with the ability to access a repository directly from content authoring applications. For example, a user writing a document with Microsoft Word can check the document into the repository from within Word.
56) The Emc Documentum dump and load utility let you copy a full or partial repository, including content from one Machine to another.
57) You can also do the following with dump and load utilities:
Copy a repository
Move a repository from one location to another
Archive a repository
Duplicate or move a partial repository
Work on cross-platforms
Work on cross-databases
Enable dump with/without content
58) Prerequisites to run dump
Run the Consistency Checker job and remove all inconsistencies reported.
Run the dmclean job.
Check in all the checked-out documents.
Clean unwanted document versions or renditions.
Clean old log files by the dm_LogPurge job.
Ensure that there is enough disk space to accommodate the dump file.
59) Sample script to dump the whole repository
create,c,dm_dump_record set,c,l,flle_name c:\Temp\dumpfile.dmp set,c,l, dump_operation
full_docbase_dump set,c,l,include content T save,c,l getmessage,c
60) Few Points about Dumps
There is no size limit on the dump file from Documetum unless the 0/S has a limit on it.
The target repository can have a different ID, name, or owner unless there is a need to preserve r_object_ids.
You cannot load a partial dump file.
You can query the r_end_time attribute of dm_dump_record or dm_load_record. If it has a valid date arid time then your dump or load was successful
61) The end goal of our workflow is to ensure that a document gets the appropriate reviews so that it can be made active to end users
62) Workflow can be created and managed by Workflow Manager and Business Process Manager.
63) Groups are used for object permissions; roles are used for application or function permissions.
64) A document is said to be a virtual document, if the value “r_is_virtual_doc” attribute is set to “1.
65) There are two types of business objects
Type-Based Objects (TBOs)
Service Based Objects (SBOs).
66) Type-based business objects (TBOs) are the most common types of business objects. They correspond to custom object types in the Docbase and used to apply custom business logic to those object types. You create a TBO by extending a DFC object such as DFDocument.
67) A service-based business object (SBOs) doesn't map to a particular object type in the Docbase.Instead, it provides general purpose functions for your application to use. Service-based objects can be used across docbases, even accessing multiple docbases at once.
68) Steps to create TBO
Create a new directory called 'boftest'. You will use use this directory to build, compile, and test this BOF proof-of-concept.
Create the TBO interface,
Create the TBO behavior,
Create the client
Compile the code
Jar up the BOF classes
Add the BOF entry to dbor.properties
>Test the BOF using the client
69) About SBO
SBO’s are part of Documentum Business Object framework
SBO’s are not associated with any repositories
SBO’s are not associated with any Documentum object types.
SBO information is stored in repositories designated as Global Registry.
SBO’s are stored in /System/Modules/SBO/ folder of repository. is the name of SBO.
Each folder in /System/Modules/SBO/ corresponds to a individual SBO
70) Data Dictionary storage is inside the Docbase. Data Dictionary can support multiple locales. Default set of Data Dictionary is enabled once Content Server is installed.
71) Annotation - Quickly add comments, markups and stamps to any document.

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