Monday, May 27, 2013

Xplore Installation Issue

After xPlore installation completed there are some folders do not exist in the installation location like "setup" folder, so it is not possible to configure PrimaryDsearch service and Index Agent.
In Install.log:
There are errors:
13:01:09,607 ERROR [installer] com.documentum.install.appserver.installanywhere.actions.InstallJbossAction - Failed to install Jboss.

From the last exception it looks like installer can't resolve hostname and crashes.

Configure DNS and check with nslookup command that xPlore hostname can be resolved. Then retry installation.

As quick workaround the hosts file could be used. Just add one string to hosts file and reinstall xPlore again with setup.bin (setup.exe for Windows) program:
<IP address><tab><FQDN>
e.g   rhel55lisenm64.documentum.ts

location host file etc/host(linux)


xPlore installation fails with the following error:

Custom Action: com.documentum.install.appserver.installanywhere.actions.InstallJbossAction
Additional Notes: FATAL ERROR - class com.documentum.install.appserver.installanywhere.actions.InstallJbossAction FatalInstallException: Failed to install Jboss. [Ljava.lang.StackTraceElement;@1db0c7e

If you rerun the same setup again, it finishes the installation successful.

On top of it if you try to configure primary Dsearch it fails with:
Custom Action: com.documentum.install.ess.installanywhere.actions.ConfigEssActions
Additional Notes: FATAL ERROR - class com.documentum.install.ess.installanywhere.actions.ConfigEssActions FatalInstallException: Install actions failed: failed to create instance for PrimaryDsearch: Access is denied; Access is denied
If you hit the dsearch url it fails with missing indexserverconfig.xml.

Now you have to do a manual uninstall as uninstaller cannot detect a Dsearch instance; at the same time if you try to create a new primary instance it fails with message " already exists".

The error on installing xPlore (failing at renaming jdk directory) is likely caused by domain policy setting. A similar report can be found in SRCH-9498.

For the failure in creating Windows service ("The System cannot find the file specified"), it is because of access protection setting in antivirus software. Typically one of the following setting would cause the failure in creating Windows service:
prevent svchost executing non-Windows executables;
prevent programs registering as a service.

1. Uninstall the failed installation
2. Goto xPlore home directory (..\xPlore\)Uninstall
3. Run Uninstall and remove the directories manually

Perform these steps:
    1. Run setup.exe in Windows XP SP2 compatibility mode. This will get the xPlore installation through.
    2. Turn off the antivirus (user was using Symentic).
    3. Set both dserachConfig.exe and configDsearch.bat to run in Windows XP SP2 compatibility mode. Run configDsearch.bat to create a primary dsearch instance.
    4. After the dsearch instance is successfully created, turn the antivirus on and start the Windows service for the dsearch instance that you just created. It is verified that the dsearch instance can be successfully started using the Windows service.


xPlore v1.0 Administrator Password Change
1.Launch xDB admin, run XHAdmin.bat/sh from %XPLORE%/dsearch/xhive/admin, reset the superuser password
2.Reset admin password from xDB admin, make sure the new admin password is the same as the new superuser password
3.Shutdown xPlore

4.Edit indexserverconfig.xml under %XPLORE%/config, change the superuser-password and adminuser-password according to your input in xDB client, use plain text
5.Restart xPlore, the password stored in indexserverconfig.xml will be encrypted
6.Change JBoss password, edit the following file, the NewEncryptedPassword is equal to the encrypted password stored in indexserverconfig.xml just as mentioned in
step 7:
a.  %XPLORE%/jboss4.3.0/server/DctmServer_PrimaryDsearch/conf/props/

b.  %XPLORE%/jboss4.3.0/server/DctmServer_PrimaryDsearch/deploy/management/console-mgr.sar/web-console.war/WEB-INF/classes/

c.  %XPLORE%/installinfo/instances/dsearch/

xPlore v1.1 Administrator Password Change

Reset the super user password from xDB admin
1.Reset admin password from xDB admin
2.Shutdown all xPlore instances
3.Edit of each instance (${XPLORE) and provide the passwords in clear text
4.Restart all xPlore instances, the password stored in will be encrypted

5.     Edit the password stored in CLI properties: (${XPLORE}\dsearch\admin), copy the encrypted password from

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