Sunday, August 24, 2014

Adding a New Role

Adding a New Role
Add a new role to an existing security profile when none of the existing roles meet the requirements. For example, when a new role is required to meet specific requirements:
  • Role: Auditor
  • Document: Internal deliverable document
  • Permission: Read at different states of the internal document lifecycle
  • Action: view_history at particular state of that lifecycle
To add a role:
  1. Go to the security_profiles/profile element in the RCF whose name attribute applies to the new role.
  2. Under the profile element go to the roles element and copy any role tag and paste it at the end of the roles element:
3.      <role Name="controllers"
4.            is_hidden="false"
5.            attribute="eif_roles_doc.controllers"
6.            label="Controllers"
7.            description="Users responsible for managing the document.">
8.                        <init_members>
9.                                    <member>$SESSION_USER</member>
10.                                <member>$P(project_controllers_group_sec_profile_expr)</member>
11.                                                                    <member>admingroup</member>
12.                    </init_members>
13.  </role>

  1. Set the name attribute to the name of the new role.
  2. Set the is_hidden attribute to true or false based on if the role displays in the Membership tab in EPFM.
  3. Set attribute to the object type’s or aspects’ attribute name, which stores the users or groups designated for this role. If using aspect attributes, use the syntax: aspectName.attributeName.
Note: For example, if it is a new role, you can add a new attribute with these options or use an existing attribute:
·         Add attribute to an existing aspect.
·         Create an aspect with the new attribute.
·         Use any custom attribute on the document or folder object on which this profile is going to be used.
Refer to the “Composer Guide” for details on adding attributes to aspects.
  1. Set the label and description as required.
  2. Populate the init_members element with as many member elements as required. When an object using this profile is created, the members of this role are going to be resolved based on these init_members. The value in member tag could be any of the following:
    • User name
    • Group name
    • EPFM Expression or RCF global param
  3. Once a role is added, define the permissions for that role in each state of the lifecycle. Use the role_permissions/role tag under respective state element of profile element. For example:
20.  <states>
21.        <state name="Placeholder">
22.                    <role_permissions>
23.                                <role name="controllers">
24.                                            <permissions>
25.                                            <access_permit>DELETE</access_permit>
26.                                      <extended_permits>CHANGE_STATE,CHANGE_PERMIT,CHANGE_LOCATION</extended_permits>
27.                                            <permitted_actions>
28.                                                        <action name="change_membership" />
29.                                                        <action name="view_history" />
30.                                                        <action name="view_comments" />
31.                                                        <action name="add_comments" />
32.                                                        <action name="relate_to_document" />
33.                                                        <action name="ap_attach" />
34.                                                        <action name="dm_apply" />
35.                                                        <action name="edit_progress" />
36.                                                        <action name="view_progress" />
37.                                            </permitted actions>
38.                                </permissions>
Note: Each state also has a default_permissions tag defined which is used to specify the permissions of a role for which a specific role_permissions is not defined. For example:
                                                                        <action name="view_progress"/>

  1. Copy any existing role tag and paste it at the end of respective role_permissions tag.
  2. Set the required access_permit based on the access permissions.
  3. Set the required extended_permit based on the extended permissions.
  4. Set the required permitted_actions based on available actions.
  5. To allow users of this role to perform required operations defined in this state, go to the respective operation tag definition in the operations_registry element of the RCF. Add this role to the roles attribute of the operation tag. For example:
44.  <operation_registry>
45.        <operation_name="library_export"
46.                    type="generic_dynamic"
47.                    label="Library export"
48.                    roles="controllers,administrators"
                  help_tip="Export the contents, renditions, and attribute values..."