Wednesday, April 11, 2018

AWS Quick Reference

1.      DR MC GIFT PX
2.      root volumes cannot have encrypted and additional volumes can be encrypted.
3.      security groups are stateful
4.      default security allows all traffic
5.      RDP – 3389
6.      Mysql/Aurora : 3306
7.      Multiple Security groups can be applied to single EC2
8.      All inbound traffic blocked by default and outbound traffic allowed
9.      Changes to security groups can take effect immediately.
10.  We can not block/deny traffic from security groups
11.  EBS-EC2 should be same region
12.  EBS storage volume type can change without downtime required.
13.  Basic Cloud watch metrics Monitoring – 5min
14.  Details Cloud Watch Monitoring – 1Min
15.  Snapshots exist in s3
16.  Snapshots are incremental
17.  To create snapshots of Amazon EBS volumes the server as root devises you should stop the instance.
18.  Snapshots of encrypted volumes are encrypted automatically
19.  Snapshots can be shared with other AWS accounts or made public
20.  RAID = Redundant Array of Independent Disk
o   RAID 0 – Striped, No Redundancy , Good Performance
o   RADI 1- Mirrored, Redundancy
o   RAID 5- Good for reads
o   RAID 10- Striped&Mirrored,Good Redundancy, Good Performance.
21.  We can not add more instance store volumes and can add additional store volumes.
22.  EBS-Stop, Shutdown, Terminate
23.  Instance Store -  reboot, Terminate
24.  EBS volumes:  the root devise for an instance launched from the AMI is an Amazon EBS volume created from an Amazon EBS snapshot
25.  Instance Store Volumes: the root devises for an instance launched from the AMI is an instance store volume created from a template stored in Amazon S3
26.  Instance stores volumes cannot be stopped where EBS root devise volumes can be stopped.
27.  ELB Health Check
o   Reponses Time out:  2- 60 Sec
o   Interval – 5-300 sec
o   Unhealthy threshold
o   Healthy threshold
Classic Load Balancer
Application Load Balancer
EC2-Classic, EC2-VPC
Sticky sessions (cookies)
YES (you can provide your own application cookie)
Load balancer generated
Back-end server authentication
Back-end server encryption
Idle connection timeout
Connection draining
Cross-zone load balancing
Always enabled
Health checks
YES (Improved)
CloudWatch metrics
YES (Improved)
Access logs
YES (Improved)
Path-based routing
Route to multiple ports on a single instance
HTTP/2 support
Websockets support
Load balancer deletion protection

28.  No public Ip address for ELB
29.  2 load balancers: Application (Internet and Intranet) and Classic Load balancer
30.  Instances monitored by ELB are reported as: InService or OutService
31.  ELB has their own DNS name no Ip address given to it.
32.  Cloud Watch – CPU Utilization,
Amazon S3 supports both virtual-hosted–style and path-style URLs to access a bucket.
·         In a virtual-hosted–style URL, the bucket name is part of the domain name in the URL. For example:  
In a virtual-hosted–style URL, you can use either of these endpoints. If you make a request to the endpoint, the DNS has sufficient information to route your request directly to the Region where your bucket resides.

·         In a path-style URL, the bucket name is not part of the domain (unless you use a Region-specific endpoint). For example:
o    US East (N. Virginia) Region endpoint,
o    Region-specific endpoint,
In a path-style URL, the endpoint you use must match the Region in which the bucket resides. For example, if your bucket is in the South America (São Paulo) Region, you must use the endpoint. If your bucket is in the US East (N. Virginia) Region, you must use the endpoint.

33.  We can attach / Replace IAM Role running EC2 instance.
35.  Metadata curl
36.  Placement is logical grouping of instances with in available zones
37.  Placement group cant span multiple available zone
38.  PG name must be unique
39.  Only certain instances types can be launched in pg
40.  You cannot merge PG
41.  You cannot launch existing instance in pg possible only ami
42.  EFS supports nfs4
43.  EFS Data is stored multiple AZ with in region
44.  EFS block based stroage
45.  EBS
o   SSD General Purpose – GP2
o   SSD provision IOPS -IO1
o   HDD, throughput Optimized ST1
o   HDD Cold – SC1
o   HDD Magnetic
46.  Termination protection is turned off by default you must turn on
47.  AMI’s are regional
48.  AWS Lambda is compute service where you can upload your code and create lambda function
49.  AWS Lambda takes care of provisioning and manage the server that you use to run the code
50.  Cloud Watch is for Performance monitoring
51.  Cloud Trail for auditing (User events, login.)
52.  Roles are universal
53.  DNS is used to convert human friendly domain names into an IP address
54.  IPV4 is 32 bits and IPV6 is 128 bits
55.  The last word on domain name is representing the top-level domain
56.  Second word is in domain name is known as Second level domain
57.  CNAME – Canonical name – mobile website.
58.  CNAME can not used for naked domain names
59.  You can’t have CNAME for website it must A records
60.  ELB dot not have predefined IPV4 address you resolve to them using DNS name
61.  Any hosted Zone has default types NS, SOA records.
62.  Route53 Policies
1.      Simple Routing Policy- Round ROBIN
2.      Weighted Routing Policy (Split your traffic based on different weights(80%,20%) assigned
3.      Latency route your traffic based on the lowest network latency for you end user.
4.      Failover routing policy(Outage) when you created active passive
5.      Geolocation routing policy where your traffic will be sent based on the geolocation
63.  2 types of backup Automated backups and Database snapshots
64.  Automated backup are default and backups are store in S3
65.  Snapshots are done manually They are stored even after you delete original RDS instance.
66.  Encryption supported My SQL, Oracles Server, PostgreSQL and MariaDB
67.  DB Multi AZ is for Disaster Recover only.
68.  Multi AZ supports SQL Server
o   Oracle,
o   My SQL
o   Postgre
o   MairaDb
69.  Read Relplica will boostup DB performance
70.  RR allow you have readonly copy of you production DB
71.  RR supports
o   Mysql
o   POSTgRE sql
o   MariaDB
72.  RR used ofr scaling not for DR
73.  Automatic backups must be turn on in order to deploy RR
74.  We can have up to 5 RR copies of any DB
75.  We can RR of RR
76.  Each RR will have its own DNS endpoint
77.  You cannot have RR that have Multi AZ
78.  DynamoDb offer Push button scaling means that you can scale your DB on the fly without any downtime
79.  DynamoDB is fast and flexible NOSQL database service for all supplication that need consistent
80.  DynamoDB fully managed DB and support both document and key-value data model
81.  DynamoDb always stored in SSD Storage
82.  DynamoDb great FIT for
o   Mobiles
o   Web
o   Gaming
o   Ad-tech
o   IoT
83.  DynamoDB Always stored on SSD and spread across 3 geographically distinct data centers
84.  DynamoDB Eventually Consistent Read-Default and strong consistent read
85.  Redshift is fast and power fully managed petabyte scan data warehouse service and its for OLAP
86.  Redshift has 2 nodes
o   Single Node (160 GB)
o   Multinode
§  Leader Node
§  Compute Node
87.  Redshift only available in 1 AZ
88.  Elastic Cache
o   Memcached
o   Redis(key Value store) and Multi AZ supports
89.  Elastic Cache significantly improve latency and throughput for many read heavy application workloads
90.  Aurora is MySQL Compatible and 5 times better performance than MySQL
91.  Aurora Compute Resource can scale upto32vCPU
92.  2 copies of your data is contained in each AZ with minimum 3 AZ,6 copies of your data
93.  2 Types of Replicas available
94.  Aurora Replicas – currently 15
95.  We can import data in to amazan RDs
o    MySQL import/MySQL dump for MySQL
o   Data Pump, import/export or SQL Loader for Oracle
o   Full backup or Bulk Copy for SQL Server

96.  Amazon Magnetic storage is suitable for small database workloads where gdata is access less frequently and Magnetic is not recommended for production
97.  General purpose SSD is suitable for broad range of database workloads that have moderate I/O requirements
98.  Provisioned SSD is an SSD backed storage option designed to deliver fats and predictable and consistent I/O
99.  Default RDS backups retention period is 7 days but can be set up to 35days
100.    DB snapshots are user initated and enable you to back up your DB instance
o   Create-db-snapshot,AWS Management Console,CreateDBSnapshot API
o   Copy-db-snapshot
101.    Automatic backup is deleted when DBinstance deleted and snapshots are retained after DB instance is deleted.
102.    Migration of Db instance from inside to outside VPC is not supported and Db snapshot in side VPC can not be restored to outside VPC
103.    You can change an existing Db subnet to add more subnets and Removing subnet from an existing DB subnet can cause unavailability for instances is they running in particular AZ that gets removed from subnet group
104.    To begin using the Amazon RDS you will need an AWS developer account
105.    AWS CloudTrail is webservice that records AWS API calls for your account and deliver log files to you
106.    You can not use standby for read and Write operations
107.    Aurora allows you to create up to 15 read Replicas for given DB cluster
108.    MYSQL, MariaDB and PostgreSQL currently allow you to create up to 5 Read Replicas
109.    RDS for PostgreSQl : read replica of read replica are not currently supported.
110.    You can promote read replica as stand alone
Maximum Read Replicas allowed per source DB Instance
Replication method
Must automatic backups be enabled for Read Replica support?
Engine versions for which Read Replicas are available
9.3.5 or later
5.5 or later
10.0 or later
Promotion of Read Replica to a new standalone DB Instance
Creation of Indexes on Read Replica
Currently not supported
Creation of Backups of Read Replicas
Currently not supported
Chaining of Read Replicas
(i.e., Read Replicas of Read Replicas)
Currently not supported
Cross-Region Read Replicas
Multi-AZ Read Replicas
Currently not supported
111.    DynamoDB – Limitation
o   Total size of an item including attribute name and attribute should not exceed 400KB
o   A scan Operation on table or secondary index has limit of 1 MB
o   Supports – Number, String, Binary and Boolean
112.    From the DynamoDB console, when you create a new table, leave the 'Use default settings' option checked, to enable Auto Scaling and apply the same settings for global secondary indexes for the table
113.    Fine Grained Access Control(FGAC) gives a DynamoDB table owner a high degree of control over the data in the table
114.    DynamoDB reserved capacity cannot cancel and onetime payment is refundable
115.    VPC is data center in the cloud and isolated section of the AWS where you can launch instances
116.    10/8 highest address range and 10/28
117.    Default VPC have route to internet
118.    1 Subnet = 1 AZ
119.    Security groups are stateful and Network Access Controls List are stateless
120.    You must disable source destination Check for NAT Instance
121.    NAT Instances must be public subnet
122.    NAT Gateways Scale up to 10 GBPs
123.    Custom NACL is default DENY all the inbound and outbound traffic
124.    VPC flow logs enables you to capture information about the  IP traffic going to and from n/w interfaces in your VPC
125.    VPC flow logs store as cloud watch logs
126.    Flow Logs can have created in 3 levels
o   Subnet
o   VPC
o   Network Interface Level
127.    You can not create flow logs for VPC that are peered with your VPC
128.    Flow logs cannot have tagged
129.    NAT is used to provide internet traffic to EC2 instances in private subnets
130.    Bastion is used securely administer Ec2 instances (using SSH or RDP) in private subnets
131.    SQS is webservice that gives you access to message queue that can be used to store  message while waiting for computer to process them
132.    Using the SQS you can decouple the component of an application so they run independently
133.    SQS Messages can contains 128 KB text in any format
134.    2 types of sqs queues
o   Standard- default-message can be delivered at least once but no guarantee on order - unlimited
o   FIFO-limited 300 per second
135.    SQL is pull based and message can be kept 1 min to 14 days in queue but default in 4 days
136.    Visibility time out is 12 hours in sqs
137.    SWS -  is webservice that makes it easy to coordinate work across distributed application components
138.    SQS has retention period is 14 days, SWF up to 1 year for workflow execution
139.    SWF ensures that task assigned only once it never be duplicated
140.    SWF Actors
o   Workflow initiators -  An application that can Initiate a workflow Example : Could be your e-commerce website when placing an order or a mobile app searching for bus times.
o   Deciders -  Controls the flow of activity task in a workflow execution if some thing has finished in a workflow a decider decides what to do next
o   Activity Workers -  Carry out the activity tasks
141.    SNS – Is webservice that makes it easy to set up, operate and send notification from the cloud
142.    SNS is push Notification to apple, Google,Fore OS…
143.    SNS can trigger the Lambda function now.
144.    SNS allows you to group multiple recipients using topics
145.    SNS are store redundantly across he multiple AZ
146.    Elastic Transcoder convert media files from their original format that will play on smartphones, tables etc
147.    API Gateways is fully managed service that makes it easy for developers to publish, maintain, monitor and secure API’s at any scale.
148.    CORS is mechanism that allows restricted resources on webpages to be requested from another domain outside the domain form the first resource was survived
149.    Error – “origin policy cannot be read at the remote resource?” you need to enable CORS on API Gateways
150.    Kinesis –  Streaming Data that is generated continuously by thousands of data source.
o   Purchases from the online stores
o   Stock prices
o   Games data
o   Social network data
151.    Kinesis 3 types of streaming
o   Kinesis Streams
§  Kinesis data is stored in Kinesis Stream for 24 hours and can extend up to 7 days
§  Kinesis streams consist of shards
o   Kinesis Firehose
§  As soon data arrives to Kinesis it sends data to S3 to redshift
o   Kinesis analysis
152.    Main components on VPC is
o   Subnet
o   Internet Gateway
o   NAT Gateway
o   Hardware VPN Connection.
o   Virtual Private Gateway – AWS VPC side of VPN connection
o   Customer gateways: Customer side of VPN connection
o   Router
o   Peer Connection
o   VPC End point
o   Egress-only Internet Gateways – Stateful getaway to provide egress only access for IPv6traffic from the VPC to the internet.
153.    If you Access Aws access via VPN connection, you will incur Internet data transfer charges.
154.    You can Public IP including Elastic IP address(EIP’s) to give EC2 instances in the VPC the ability to both directly communicate outbound to the internet and receive unsolicited inbound traffic from the internet
155.    Default VPC’s assigned c CIDR range of and Default subnet with default VPC are assigned to /20 netblocks within the VPC CIDR range
156.    Currently VPC supports 5 IP address ranges 1 primary 4 secondary for Ipv4,Each of these ranges can be between /28 and /16 in size and for Ipv6 the VPC of fixed size of /56
157.    Currently you can create 200 subnets per VPC.
158.    You can assign one or more secondary private IP addresses to an Elastic Network Interfaces or EC2 instances in VPC
159.    VPC does not support multicast or broadcast
160.    There are multiple ways for your resources within a VPC to communicate with Amazon S3
o   You can use VPC endpoint for S3
o   You can use IG to enables internet access from your VPC and instances can communicate with S3
o   You can also make all traffic to S3 traverse the Direct to Pinegrass from your data center
161.    You can use the VPC Flow logs to monitor the network traffic
162.    VPC available I’m multi AZ in all Regions and can span multi AZ
163.    Subnets can’t span multi AZ
164.    You can use AMI and EBS are in VPC that are registered in same region as your VPC
Default VPC
Nondefault VPC
Public IPv4 address (from Amazon's public IP address pool)
Your instance receives a public IPv4 address.
Your instance launched in a default subnet receives a public IPv4 address by default, unless you specify otherwise during launch, or you modify the subnet's public IPv4 address attribute.
Your instance doesn't receive a public IPv4 address by default, unless you specify otherwise during launch, or you modify the subnet's public IPv4 address attribute.
Private IPv4 address
Your instance receives a private IPv4 address from the EC2-Classic range each time it's started.
Your instance receives a static private IPv4 address from the address range of your default VPC.
Your instance receives a static private IPv4 address from the address range of your VPC.
Multiple private IPv4 addresses
We select a single private IP address for your instance; multiple IP addresses are not supported.
You can assign multiple private IPv4 addresses to your instance.
You can assign multiple private IPv4 addresses to your instance.
Elastic IP address (IPv4)
An Elastic IP is disassociated from your instance when you stop it.
An Elastic IP remains associated with your instance when you stop it.
An Elastic IP remains associated with your instance when you stop it.
DNS hostnames
DNS hostnames are enabled by default.
DNS hostnames are enabled by default.
DNS hostnames are disabled by default.
Security group
A security group can reference security groups that belong to other AWS accounts.
You can create up to 500 security groups in each region.
A security group can reference security groups for your VPC only.
You can create up to 500 security groups per VPC.
A security group can reference security groups for your VPC only.
You can create up to 500 security groups per VPC.
Security group association
You can assign an unlimited number of security groups to an instance when you launch it.
You can't change the security groups of your running instance. You can either modify the rules of the assigned security groups, or replace the instance with a new one (create an AMI from the instance, launch a new instance from this AMI with the security groups that you need, disassociate any Elastic IP address from the original instance and associate it with the new instance, and then terminate the original instance).
You can assign up to 5 security groups to an instance.
You can assign security groups to your instance when you launch it and while it's running.
You can assign up to 5 security groups to an instance.
You can assign security groups to your instance when you launch it and while it's running.
Security group rules
You can add rules for inbound traffic only.
You can add up to 100 rules to a security group.
You can add rules for inbound and outbound traffic.
You can add up to 50 rules to a security group.
You can add rules for inbound and outbound traffic.
You can add up to 50 rules to a security group.
Your instance runs on shared hardware.
You can run your instance on shared hardware or single-tenant hardware.
You can run your instance on shared hardware or single-tenant hardware.
Accessing the Internet
Your instance can access the Internet. Your instance automatically receives a public IP address, and can access the Internet directly through the AWS network edge.
By default, your instance can access the Internet. Your instance receives a public IP address by default. An Internet gateway is attached to your default VPC, and your default subnet has a route to the Internet gateway.
By default, your instance cannot access the Internet. Your instance doesn't receive a public IP address by default. Your VPC may have an Internet gateway, depending on how it was created.
IPv6 addressing
IPv6 addressing is not supported. You cannot assign IPv6 addresses to your instances.
You can optionally associate an IPv6 CIDR block with your VPC and assign IPv6 addresses to instances in your VPC.
You can optionally associate an IPv6 CIDR block with your VPC and assign IPv6 addresses to instances in your VPC.
165.    You can attach to detach one or more Network Interfaces to an Ec2 instance while its running and total number is based on the instance type.
166.    ENI can have attached to the instances in same AZ.
167.    VPC peering connection can have created with VPC in different regions.
168.    Peered VPC must have non-overlapped IP ranges
169.    There is no charge for creating VPC peering however data transfer across peering connection in charged.
170.    VPS Limitations
o   5 VPC per AWS account per region
o   200 subnets for VPC
o   5 VPC EIP per AWS account per region
o   1 Internet Gateway
o   5 Virtual Gateways per AWS account per region
o   50 Customer Gateways per AWS account per region
o   10 IpSe VPN Connection per Virtual Private Gateway
171.    SQS visibility timeout is period of time during which SQS prevents other consuming components from the receiving and processing message.
172.    The Maximum visibility timeout for SQS Message is 12 hours
173.    SQS message can contain up to 10 metadata attributes.
174.    SQS long pooling timeouts 20 seconds.
175.    Each SQS message queue is independent with in each region
176.    SNS Delivery option
o   Http/Https
o   Email, Email-JSON
o   SQS
o   SMS
177.    SNS Topic name should typically be available for reuse approx. 30-60 seconds after previous topic with same name has been deleted.
178.    By Enabling the “Delivery Status features in Amazon SNS you can get information on the Following for each message
o   MessageID
o   Time
o   TimeSent
o   Destination Phone number
o   Disposition
o   Disposition Reason
o   Price
o   Dwel Time
179.    SNS does not support MMS Messages
180.    SNS offers 10 million subscription by default and up to 256 KB of text data including XML, JSON and text
181.    AWS config with the AWS Config rules features create mechanism to automatically track and respond to changes in your AWS workloads and environments
182.    Tagging to make sure all resources in a workload can be easily identified when needed during operations and responses.
183.    Workspace is cloud-based replacement for additional desktop
184.    Workspaces are persistent and all data on the D drive is backed up every 12 hours
185.    You do not need an AWS account to login to workspaces.
186.    Docker is software platform that allows you to built, rest and deploy application quickly
187.    EC2 Container Service is highly scalable, fast, container management service easy to run stop the manager docker container on ec2 instances.
188.    Container are a method of operating system virtualization that allows you to run an application and its dependencies in resource-isolation process.
189.    Container are created from a read-only template called image.
190.    An image is read-only template with instruction for creating a Docker container.
191.    Images are stores in Registry such as DockerHub or AWS ECR
192.    Task definition is required to run Docker container in Amazon ECS.
193.    Task Definition are text files in JSON format
194.    ECS can schedule in 2 ways
o   Service Schedule
o   Customer Schedule
195.    Different type of Virtualization in ECS
o   Para-Virtual(PV)
o    Hardware Virtual Machine(HVM)
196.    SWF is not a SNS Subscriber
197.    S3 Methodologies in encryption
o   Server-Side Encryption
o   SSE-S3,
o   SSE-C,
o   SSE-KMS or a client library such as Amazon S3 Encryption client.

198.    RDs, DynamoDB and Elastic Cache stores stales Application.
199.    IAM consist of
o   Users
o   Roles
o   Groups
o   Policy Document
200.    IAM is global it does Not apply regional level
201.    New Users have no permission when they first created and are assigned Access Key ID and Secret Access Keys
202.    Always setup MFA for root account
203.    Power user allows access all the AWS Resources except for the management of groups and users with IAM.
204.    IAM Policy limitation
o   User policy size cannot exceed 2048 characters
o   Role policy size cannot exceed 10240 chars
o   Group policy size cannot exceed 5120 char
205.    Yes, you can assign a role to an EC2 instance that is already running.
206.    If you Remove IAM role that is associated with running instance it will be denied access immediately running application on the same instance.
207.    You must have below IAM roles to launch ECS instances
o   Permission to launch EC2 instances
o   Permission to associate an IAM role with EC2 instance
208.    Use IAM to collect IAM users and define common permission for those users
209.    Use managed policies to share permission across IAM user, groups and roles.
210.    Using the IAM roles, we can grant permission to access AWS resources owned by another Aws account
211.    Federated users (External users) are users you manage outside the AWS in your corporate directory but to whom you grant access to your AWS account using temporary security credentials
212.    S3
213.    Buckets are a universal name space
214.    Upload an object to S3 receive a HTTP 200 Code
215.    Control access to buckets using either a bucket ACL or using bucket policies
216.    By default, all buckets are private, and objects stored inside objects also private
217.    S3 stores all version of an object
218.    Once version is enabled can not be disabled only suspended.
219.    CORS: Version must have enabled in both source and destination buckets
220.    CORS: Region must be unique
221.    CORS: files in an existing bucket are not replicated automatically and subsequent file will replicate
222.    CORS: Delete markers are replicated
223.    CORS:  Delete individual or delete markers will not replicated
224.    CDN: Edge location is location where content stored as cache, this is separate to an AWS Region /AZ
225.    Currently we have 50 Edge locations around the world and EDL support both read and write
226.    We have 2 distribution models
o   Web distribution – Typically used for websites
o   RTMP – for media streaming
227.    Objects are cached for the life of the TTL
228.    Storage gateways is service that connects on-premises software appliances with cloud based storage to provided seamless and secure integration between organization’s on premises IT environment and AWS storage infrastructure
229.    Storage gate way software appliances for download as a Virtual Machine image that you install on host in your datacenter.
230.    4 type of gateway
o   File Gateway(NFS)
o   Volume gateway(ISCSI)
§  Stored volume
§  Cached volume
o   Tape gate way(VTL)
231.    File Gateway: File are stored in S3 buckets, accessed through a network file system(NFS) mount  point.
233.    Volumes gateway presents your application with disk volumes using iSCSCI block protocol
234.    Stored volume: store primary data locally while asynchronous backing up  data to AWS.
cached volumes let you use S3 as primary data storage while retaining frequently accessed data locally in your storage gateway

237.    Tape gateway: durable, cost -effective solution to archive your data in your AWS cloud
239.    File gateway: for flat file, stored directly on S3
240.     Volume gateway
o   Stored volumes: Entire dataset is stored on site and is asynchronously backed up to S3
o   Cached Volumes:  Entire dataset is stored in S3 and most frequently data accessed data is cached on site
241.    Gateway Virtual Tape Library (VTL): used for backups and uses popular backup applications like NetBackup, Backup Exec,Veeam etc.
242.    SnowBall :
o   Snowball: Is petabyte -scale data transport solution that’s uses secure application to transfer large amount data into and out of AWS
o   Snowmobile: Is an Exabyte- scale data transfer service used to move extremely large amount of data to AWS. Transferring data with snowmobile is secure, fast and cost effective
243.    Snowball can
o   Import to S3
o   Export from S3
244.    S3 Transfer Acceleration utilizes the cloud front Edge Network to accelerate your upload to have to use below district URL to upload to.
<Bucket Name>
245.    S3 bucket static website
https://<Bucket Name>.s3-website-<region>.
246.    S3 bucket URL
https://s3-<region><bucket name>
247.    EC2 is webservice that provided resizable compute capacity in the cloud
248.    EC2 Options
o   On-demand – allow you to pay a fixed rate by the hour(by the second)  with no commitment
o   Reserved: provided to your capacity reservation and offer significant discount on the hourly charge for an instance
o   Spot: enable you to bid whatever price you want to instance capacity providing for even greater savings
o   Dedicated host: physical ec2 server dedicated for use
249.    S3 can range from a minimum of 0 bytes to 5 terabytes.
250.    The largest that can be uploaded in single PUT is 5 GB.
251.    For objects larger than 100 MB customers should consider using the Multipart Upload capability
252.    You can use Multi-Object Delete to delete large number if objects from S3.
253.    S3 standard is designed for 99.99$ availability and S3-IA is designed for 99.9%.
254.    S3 by default customer can provision up to 100 buckets per AWS account.
255.    An Amazon VPC Endpoint for S3 is a logical entity with in a VPC that allows connectivity only to S3.
256.    S3-IA is ideally suited for long-term file storage. Older data sync and share, backup data, and disaster recovery files.
257.    Standard s3-IA designed for long lived but infrequently accessed data that retained for months or years. Data that’s deleted from S3-IA within 30 days will be charged for full 30 days
258.    S3-IA minimum 128 KB
259.    Amazon Glacier is extremely low-cost storage service as storage for data archival
260.    Objects retrieved using standard retrieval typically complete between 3-5 hours.
261.    When processing glacier retrieval job S3 first retrieves the requested data from glacier and then created a temporary copy of the requested data in RRS
262.    S3 Transfer acceleration enables fast, easy and secure transfer of files over long distances between your client and your S3 buckets.
263.    S3 transfer acceleration user 2 types of end point
o   Faster data transfer: <bucket name>.
o   Dual-stack: <bucket name>.
264.    Transfer acceleration optimizes the TCP protocol and adds additional intelligent between the client and the S3 bucket making transfer acceleration a better choice if a higher throughout is desired.
265.    Transfer acceleration over fully utilized 1 Gbps line can transfer up to 75 Tb in same time.
266.    If you have objects that are smaller than the 1 GB or if the data set is less than 1 GB in size you should consider Cloud fronts PUTS/POST commands for optimal performance.
267.    Snowball is deal for customer moving large batches of data at once.
268.    Snowball typically 5-7 days turnaround time.
269.    Direct connect is good choice for customer with a private networking requirement or direct connects exchanges
270.    By using EBS data on the root devise will persist independently from life of the instance this enables you to stop and restart the instance at sub sequent time
271.    Local instance store only persists during the life of the instance
272.    There is limitation of sending email from the EC2 address
273.    EC2 charges in your monthly bill will now be calculated based on a per second basis.
274.    EC2 instances are grouped into 5 families
o   General purpose: fixed performance (M4, M5) or burstable performance(T2).
o   Compute Optimized: C5, C4 (More CPU resource and well suited for scale out computer intense
o   Memory Optimized: X1e, X1, R4: offer large memory size (Db and cache)
o   Storage Optimized: H1, I3, D2: very High. Low latency I/O capacity
o   Accelerated Compute: P3,P2,G3,F1 parallel processing capabilities
275.    By Default, all accounts are limited to 5 Elastic IP addresses per region
276.    EIP is charged when it is not associated to a running instance
277.    You do not need an EIP for all instances by default every instance comes with private Ip and internet routable public IP address.
278.    Enhanced networking provided higher (packet per second) I/O performance and lower CPU utilization compared to traditional implementation.
279.    EBS divided into 2 categories
o   SSD – backed storage for transactional workloads primarily on I/O
o   HDD – backed storage for throughput intensive and big data workloads
280.    EBS snapshots available only through EC2 API’s.
281.    Spot instances best suited for fault-tolerant, flexible workloads and spot instances interrupted by Amazon EC2 for capacity requirement within a 2 minutes notification.
282.    ELB
o   Application ELB: if you need flexible application management and TLS termination
o   Network ELB: If you need extreme performance and static IP
o   Classic ELB: if your application is built within the EC2 classic network
283.    Classic ELB support HTTP, HTTPS, TCP, SSL
284.    Each Amazon Route53 account is limited to 500 hosted zones and 10000 resource record sets per hosted zones.
285.    Yes, we can create multiple hosted zones with same domain name.
286.    Route53 does not provide webhosting
287.    Route53 supports both Ipv6 and Ipv4
288.    Route53 uses VPC to manage visibility and provide DNS resolution for private DNS hosted zones.
289.    You can not associate SOA and DNS records for Rtoute53 health checks.
290.    Route53 supports health check over HTTPS, HTTP, TCP.
291.    Route53 does not support DNSSEC at this time.
292.    Automatic DB instance retention period default is 7 days but can be set up to 35 days
293.    When you delete DB instance you can create final DB snapshot upon deletion, if you do, you can use this DB snapshot to restore the delete DB instance later.
294.    Automatic backups are deleted when the DB instance deleted.
295.    AWS strongly recommended you use the DNS name to connect to your DB instances as the underlying IP address can change

When to use IAM policies vs. S3 policies

Use IAM policies if:
  • You need to control access to AWS services other than S3. IAM policies will be easier to manage since you can centrally manage all of your permissions in IAM, instead of spreading them between IAM and S3.
  •  You have numerous S3 buckets each with different permissions requirements. IAM policies will be easier to manage since you don’t have to define a large number of S3 bucket policies and can instead rely on fewer, more detailed IAM policies.
  • You prefer to keep access control policies in the IAM environment.
Use S3 bucket policies if:
  • You want a simple way to grant cross-account access to your S3 environment, without using IAM roles.
  • Your IAM policies bump up against the size limit (up to 2 kb for users, 5 kb for groups, and 10 kb for roles). S3 supports bucket policies of up 20 kb.
  • You prefer to keep access control policies in the S3 environment.
If you’re still unsure of which to use, consider which audit question is most important to you:
  • If you’re more interested in “What can this user do in AWS?” then IAM policies are probably the way to go. You can easily answer this by looking up an IAM user and then examining their IAM policies to see what rights they have.
  • If you’re more interested in “Who can access this S3 bucket?” then S3 bucket policies will likely suit you better. You can easily answer this by looking up a bucket and examining the bucket policy.