Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Is it possible to change folder type

You can use the below DQL to change the object type for one or more folders depending on certain criteria:

change <current_type> object(s) to <new_type> where <qualification>

In your case, it should be:

change dm_folder object to <custom_type> where r_object_id = ‘<object_id>’

where <custom_type> is your custom type name

and <object_id> is the r_object_id value of the folder that you want to change its object type

Monday, January 11, 2016

Patch code separator in Documentum Captiva

A patch is a pattern of parallel, alternating black bars and spaces that is printed on a page. Some scanners can detect patch codes and this information can be used by software for different purpose. Patch codes are used to separate documents, switch scanner modes on the fly or for other actions. Scan software can allow user assigning his/her own actions for detected patch codes.

There are different patch codes:


As a rule they are distributed with scanner driver if it supports patch reading feature and user just need print them and start to use. I used scanner DR-9080C from Canon and EMC QuickScanPro to demonstrate working with patch codes. Below there is ISIS driver configuration dialog for this scanner. To use patch codes you should choose ‘Patchcode’ item in ‘Batch separation’ combo box.

QuickScanPro allows assign different actions for this case. You can either start new document discarding patch code page or add it to a new document. I chose the second case.

PixTools for .NET

PixTools for .NET SDK provides great support for patch codes.
To enable patch code separator you should write following code

  1. if (m_Scanner.HWJobSeparator.Support)  
  2.     m_Scanner.HWJobSeparator.Value = PixHWJobSepMode.NoStopNoEject;  

and when page is scanned you should check if it is separator

  1. PageSide scannedSide = pipe.Run();  
  2. if(scannedSide.HWSeparator)  
  3.     //do something  

That’s all! I will be glad to hear your responses.

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Impossible to decrypt the method server response in D2

PROBLEM: D2 throwing error on statup - Unable to see repositories or D2-config screen
CAUSE: Missing lockbox configuration and RSA library files.
RESOLUTION / REASON : Re-configure lockbox for Application server, provided RSA library files.

  • Place the crypto-J 6.1.2 lib jar files in ../webapps/D2/WEB-INF/lib folder, and ../webapps/D2-Config/WEB-INF/lib folder.
    • cryptoj.jar
    • cryptpjce.jar
    • ceyptojcommon.jar
    • jcm.jar
    • jcmandroidfips.jar
    • jcmFIPS.jar
    • util.jar
  • Set jnlp.com.rsa.cryptoj.fips140loader=true in catalina.properties under Tomcat/conf/
  • regenerate the lockbox files for Application server making sure that it uses the same passphrase for both CS & APP SERVER.
  • Clear the Tomcat cache folder and restart Tomcat.